Paperless System

Optimise and secure your document -and data- sharing with partners, to improve efficiency and thus achieve savings. Faced with growing volumes of data, the transition to paperless methods is a major concern for companies.

Paperless system is an effort to reduce the time and expense associated with paper-based systems.

Over and above merely creating electronic documents, going paperless now offers the potential to optimise data sharing and processes, in a world where digital means are the principal vector for information and communication. Thus, orders, quotations, invoices and other documents are produced electronically, making it easier to share, view and store them.

Using standard connections to the principal market solutions, Sage X3 offers the option of an effective and secure built-in electronic document management system (EDMS).

All of your documents are linked in the corresponding functions of Sage X3, thus eliminating problems relating to duplicates and different versions, while optimising cross-disciplinary processes between the various departments within your company.

Life cycle

Simplified document life cycle management

Our automated document and character recognition solutions make it possible to scan documents and automatically generate transactions in Sage X3. Thus, by scanning a supplier invoice, the same invoice is automatically generated in Sage X3 without any need for data entry.

  • It optimises your organisation and streamlines your business processes, while incorporating traceability of exchanges and tracking of actions.
  • The reliability of your data is improved, through the avoidance of data entry errors.
  • Your relationships with partners are improved and made more secure through the use of electronic signatures, ensuring the integrity of your documents.
  • The productivity gains generated by going paperless provide a real return on investment (printing costs, postage expenses, etc.).
  • Finally, the native mobility of Sage X3 makes it possible for you to view active and archived documents at all times.
Mobile applications

Achieve greater agility and efficiency using mobile applications, and rise to the competitive challenge.

The need for mobile applications in business is gradually becoming more prevalent, with the development of new usages. Today, staff use their smartphones as a matter of course and continual connectivity is becoming the new way of working. Information is shared in real time and available even from outside the company. With their user-friendly touchscreen interfaces, mobile tools and applications, they are easy to use and thus enable non-specialist new users of the management system to gain access.

Based on first-of-a-kind web services technology, the Sage X3 solution operates seamlessly and securely via web browsers and on mobile devices, providing optimum performance regardless of your location.

With Sage X3, all users benefit from secure access, from any browser or mobile device, to all of the data and functions in the system, regardless of their location and on a range of widely-used terminals. The HTML5 interface ensures an intuitive browsing experience and allows for easy personalisation by users.

Sage X3

Real-time access : Anytime, anywhere

Provide a better customer experience by ensuring that, wherever they are, your staff can access accurate customer and product information.
Reduce the time required to place orders and make calls to accounting and the warehouse, by providing real-time data to sales teams in the field.



Tenor is a specialist in hosted EDI solutions and is a recognised service provider in the automotive, distribution and aeronautics industries. Through its specific expertise and its presence in more than 45 countries, Tenor liaises between 1,300 customers and 8,000 contractors throughout the world. Tenor’s products and services are founded on availability, responsiveness and quality of service.


Tenor’s EDI Services solutions are connected to Sage X3 via a new programme for Tenor’s EDI SaaS services provided as standard.

In concrete terms, the ERP Sage X3 generates a pivot file that is automatically transferred to the EDI services platform hosted by Tenor (EDI EDIBASE). This platform converts the file into the desired format and sends the message (delivery note, invoice, etc.) to the customer’s partner using the protocol and telecommunications network of the partner.

Conversely, commercial partners send EDI messages (orders, delivery forecasts and notes, invoices, etc.) to the EDI EDIBASE platform, which receives them, converts them into the solution format, and then transfers them to the EDI module of Sage X3.

Supplier invoicing

By encouraging supplier participation, critical financial processes are automated and efficiency and accuracy are significantly increased.

Other advantages of paperless invoicing include:

  • Freeing staff to work on strategic initiatives
  • Significant reduction in exception management
  • Optimised spending with real-time data

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Sage X3 takes the complexity out of running your business. It simplifies every part of your operation, leaving you lean and ready for whatever comes next, wherever you are in the world.
With Sage X3, you are choosing the next generation business management solution for your enterprise to grow faster and run an agile organization.


Why modern businesses can no longer succeed with traditional ERP.

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The Jupiter Group is nurturing fresh growth—with Sage X3. Jupiter Group is a world leader in delivering fresh raw materials directly from growers to customers with a secure and efficient supply chain.


The Total Economic Impact™ Of Sage X3 Solution For Distribution Organizations. Cost Savings And Business Benefits Enabled By
Sage X3.

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Deveho helped us to stay on track by immediately assessing the deadlines at stake. Laurence Martinet, Director of Information Systems at SBM.

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